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Looking towards Future

New Initiatives


From our past experience, following GC 32, of working with the poor – particularly with the dalits and tribals in the state and our understanding of the present socio-economic and politico-cultural and religious scenario in the state, country and the world, we reaffirm our commitment to promote just and egalitarian social relationship through promotion and protection of human rights and dignity of every individual.

Improving the Educational Status and Human Resource Development among the Socially Excluded Groups…READ, Bettiah

Major Components of Social Action Intervention:

  • Conscientisation
  • Formation of human capital of the poor through quality education and vocational training
  • Advancement of the right of the poor to homestead land
  • Quality education
  • Employment and food through advocacy
  • Promotion of subaltern cultures
  • Expansion of our presence in geographical frontiers
  • Facilitation of a process of developing ‘dalit’ ideology and leadership for empowerment
  • Promotion of partnership


Fr. Anto Joseph
Khaspur Village,
Patna 800011, Bihar
Mobile: 9471828633

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