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Patna Provincial Visits Mid-West Province- USA

Fr. Jose Vadassery S.J., the Jesuit provincial of Patna, India visited a number of people and institutions in the U.S Mid-West province with a view to strengthen the historic bond between Patna and the people of USA. His visit began with a warm and cordial meeting and exchange with the staff of the International Missions and Advancement Office, in which ways and means to enhance and garner support for Patna Jesuit mission was discussed. The provincial also had a useful visit to the province office. His trip to Cincinnati was marked by a wonderful luncheon time with the family of veteran Jesuit missionary in Patna, the late Fr. Stegman. Mr. Jeff Meyrose, the Regional Director of Advancement, organized a warm meeting between the provincial and a group of enthusiastic parishioners from St. Francis Xavier Church in Cincinnati. In Cleveland, Fr. Provincial was touched by the love and affection of the people of Gesu parish where he spoke at all the masses on Sunday, July 2. The people also received him warmly at a reception organized by the parish. Besides meeting with former Patna and Nepal missionaries Frs. Chambers and Leo Cachet, Fr. Jose undertook a refreshing visit to the Niagara Falls. Though the conclusion of his visit had a sad note with the sudden death of Fr. Jack Keneally, the 90 year old veteran Patna missionary who travelled with the provincial from Patna to Chicago, the provincial’s visit was a joyful and enriching experience for him and for many in the U.S.

In short, provincial’s visit to USA consolidated some of the efforts towards building relationships and friendships with people and that was indeed in the direction of renewing relationships, appreciating and thanking people in person, particularly, the Patna Partners in USA. Fr. Jose always reiterated the fact that Patna Province is ever indebted to the Jesuits of the USA Midwest Province and the beloved people who have been our supporters over the years; and he mentioned that Patna Jesuits look forward to their continued support and prayers in the years to come for a fruitful and effective reconciling mission of Christ in the north eastern region of India (Bihar and Utter Pradesh).

Prepared by Frs. Thomas Chillikulam, SJ & Dominic, KP, SJ

Fr. Thomas Moves to Chicago

Fr. Thomas Chillikulam S.J., after two fruitful and joyful years of service at the Church of the Gesu University Heights, is taking up a ministry at Loyola University Chicago. He will be moving to Chicago from 10th August 2017. He could be contacted at: Gonzaga House Jesuit Community, 6235 N. Kenmore Avenue, Chicago, IL 60660 – 2101. Cell phone: 203-706-9601; E-mail:

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