Fr. Thomas Kalariparambil, S.J, (PAT, 76/54)

Died at St. Xavier’s, Patna, on 17 November 2010

It might be said that Fr. Tom died suddenly, and it came as a shock to all of us who knew and loved him. He had long suffered from poor health-- a heart condition and diabetes. But his death was unexpected, as he had just visited his doctor who felt that all was well. We were at a community meeting, and towards the end, Tom spoke up, expressing his concern for the spiritual welfare of our workers and students. He felt that we should be doing more for them. Tom had been an active member of the community since 1971. He was a familiar and pleasant sight in the corridors of St. Xavier’s, welcoming guests and performing his many services to the community.

Tom’s official position was as treasurer for the school (and in earlier years, teacher of catechism) and then as assistant treasurer for the Patna Jesuit Society. Whenever the treasurer was out, Tom was available. He arranged the chapel for community Mass each morning when he was not assigned for Masses elsewhere (which he liked). And he rang the community bells for Mass, examen and evening prayers. He helped the librarian by taking care of the magazines in the recreation room, and putting away books in the library. He will be missed by the students too. Even after he stopped teaching, he would stand at the front door of the residence to welcome the students as they arrived for morning classes. They recognized him as a holy man, and took his blessing as they passed into the school compound.

He showed an interest in the work of each member of the community and helped them in many ways. If anyone wanted to know who or where a Sister was, Tom was the one to ask. The question in our minds now is "Who will do all the kind and generous things that Tom did?" Yes, we will miss him very much.

In spite of poor health, Tom kept going because he scrupulously followed the doctors’ orders. He took his medicine faithfully, and regular exercise. He was a very lovable person, and loved all those with whom he lived and worked. Yes, Tom will be long remembered and no one will be able to take his place. May he now rest in the peace and joy of the Lord.

- Jerry Drinane, S.J.

(All members of Patna Province should offer one Mass for the repose of his soul, and St. Xavier’s Com. two)

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