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Day of Gratitude

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The day has dawned for us in Manthan on 6th November 2020 as a very pleasant joyful day. Our dear Fr. Joseph Velamkunnel arrived at Manthan with full of Joy and happiness after the celebration of Golden Jubilee of his Priesthood at XTTI. Already Manthan was ready to welcome him with a cool and decorative atmosphere to continue his jubilation coupled with his 83rd Birthday celebration. At 5pm the campus filled lights to show to the world that we join the entire Manos Family to alleviate poverty and help the helpless to live a dignified life.

Thereafter at 6. 45pm children gathered for their evening assembly and joined the entire Manthan family to thank God for the person of Fr. Velam and put up a spectacular cultural program in his honour. Beautifully stage was set by lighting the diyas of his 50 years of Priesthood. Suman Kumari of class 9th gave an account of Fr. Velam’s 50 years of fruitful priestly life and appreciated him for his wonderful ministry which began living with Musahar community at Jamsaut. Her grandparents saw a young energetic Fr. Velam and at least she is lucky enough to celebrate his 83rd B’day and 50th Priesthood. She narrates Fr. Velam as a writer has written about the life of Musahars as he lived with Musahars. People of Jamsaut remember him with gratitude for his stay and his contribution to the community. Fr. Velam in his words of gratitude narrated how he earned the cost of English Dictionary by taking a piece of land on rent from his father to cultivate sweet potato. By his own effort he prepared the manure from the compost and got a good crop of sweet potatoes.

We Manthanites wish our dear Fr. Velam a beautiful life ahead and enjoy growing in years with His grace and comporting love.

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