The much awaited literary piece of Dr. Suhil Bilung, SJ, Patna Jesuit has been published. In his book, Dr. Bilung looks at the concept of salvation and empowerment in Dalit Hindi Literature. Dr. Bilung is at present the Director of Prabhat Prakashan, the print and publication wing of Patna Jesuit Province. He was the Vice-Principal and is currently a faculty at St. Xavier’s College of Education, Digha. Dr. Bilung has a doctorate from Banaras Hindu University in Hindi Literature. />
Through the lens of literature, the book captures the sentiments that the Dalits are subjugated centuries after centuries till today and thus are forced to live inhuman situations in India. In Dr. Bilung’s own words, “The problems faced by Dalits are more sociological than political as Dalit-intellectuals say. They are imprisoned mentally, psychologically and spiritually through Varna-System of Hinduism. They are made to feel outcastes. It is human selfishness and pride of high caste at work. And so they not only are poor economically, sociologically or politically but more than that are having a very-very low (poor) Self Esteem. They are to be empowered in these human aspects for having dignified existence in the Indian society. It is an uphill task for all of us to help them empowered to have a respectful life. Education of their heart, mind and body individually as well as collectively will be the most powerful means for their emancipation.”