St. Michael's School, Patna
St. Xavier's High School, Patna
Khrist Raja High School, Bettiah
St. Xavier's H. Sec. School, Bettiah
Our mission in the education apostolate is to go out into those frontiers of education where children are deprived of education due to various reasons. We pledge to eradicate illiteracy from the face of Bihar in a systematic and sustained manner. Our mission is to form young men and women for others, who will distinguish themselves by their academic excellence, sound character, and spirit of selfless service and leadership qualities. They will commit themselves to the task of ushering in the much needed radical transformation of present day social conditions and thus continue towards building a just and eco-friendly human society where genuine freedom, equality of opportunities and respect for religious, moral and social values found in the Gospels and enshrined in the Constitution of India will prevail.
The cardinal principles of our education policy continue to be (a) the fundamental option for the poor in all our educational institutions, (b) faith formation and value education and (c) the integral development of the students.
New Initiatives in the Ministry:
- Three of our schools upgraded to Plus two.
- Two of the major schools have increased their sections in order to accommodate more students
- Separate Primary school being built.
- Smart classes and language lab have been introduced in some of our schools
- The Education commission has been divided into two due to increase in number of colleges i.e. Province coordinator for Education & province coordinator for Higher Education.
- New Education Policy has been promulgated and changed the city Hindi medium schools to English medium.
- The role, responsibilities and duties of PCE has been redefined.
- Preparation for IIT-JEE for the +2 students have been started in our schools.
- Schools help out in social according to their ability.
- Financial assistance to our social and pastoral work.
Fr. Norbert Menezes, SJ
St. Ignatius High School
Gayatri Path
By-pass Chowk
Aurangabad, Bihar 824 101
Mob: 09868030235